Host a screening of COME BACK ANYTIME for your company, school, community, followers, or friends!
Q&As with the filmmakers and Master Ueda

One of the sweetest and most enjoyable films of the year. It will restore your faith in humanity.
— Graeme Tuckett Stuff

DEVOUR! The Food Film Fest

Sonoma Int'l Film Festival

Japanese Film Festival - Vienna
Audiences are connecting in unique ways with COME BACK ANYTIME’s many themes:
Ramen (both eating and making!)
Japanese cuisine, culture & language
International travel
Farm-to-table movement
Organic gardening
Active aging
Community building

While this cozy, heartwarming doc is about the artistry of an excellent bowl of soup, it is just as much about the power of community and connection.
– Madeline Lines, POV Magazine

Perfect viewing for anyone who enjoys the convivial delights of shows like Midnight Diner.
— Chris Harms, Australian International Documentary Conference

What audiences are saying about COME BACK ANYTIME on Letterboxd, the social network for film lovers:
A really comforting movie which inspires you and makes you feel optimistic for the human race :) ★★★★★ Simonkmiller
The kind of story that makes you grateful to be alongside other human beings, inspiring to do your own part in creating an ecosystem of people whose existence benefits one another. As corny as it sounds, it's the kind of thing that makes me happy to be alive. ★★★★½
A documentary very much about a feeling of tranquility, of peace within yourself and your place in the natural world without being indulgent or esoteric about it. ★★★★ ennaih
A much more affecting and thought provoking experience than I’d anticipated, not only activating my feelings of longing for travel, and Japan, but for closeness and community that have been disrupted through the last 18 months. It managed to raise some deep and complex questions about: what it takes to live a good life; when and how to quit; the difference between work and labour, and most movingly, what the maintenance of place can do to connect and support individuals within a community. ★★★★ Jessie Scott
Come Back Anytime is about savouring the time that we have, and about the community that savours with you when the time you have made for yourself is a product of passion, love, and play. ★★★★½ bestreal